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Munich Clubs & Info

This is ->
by Julian H. Stacey .. Other Texts

Webcam: .. muenchen-marienplatz.html
There's numerous English & half English speaking clubs in Munich After having this page alphabetic for maybe a decade or so, it was noticeable that Berklix.Org offers something unique, so it was (only then) raised to first in list: smiley face icon


    • Some clubs charge membership &/or event fees to people,
    • Some have heavier German emphasis than you might prefer, Some are even burdened with German e.V. membership rules, ... discuss that over a beer smiley face icon
    • Some web sites promote pay per entry profit oriented events (eg internations)
    • Some web sites even charge fees to event organisers ! (eg charges group organisers 3 to 5 Euro per month at Aug. 2016) & internations).
      (This free event organiser wonders at the agenda &/or self sacrifice of those organisers, so desperate to give their time free to organise events, that they will even Pay commercial web companies for the "privilege" of working unpaid ! - Probably no one has told those organisers is free for both Organisers & all other event attenders !
    • No one pays Berklix.Org Any money ! & No advertising ! & No data harvesting ! No USA spy service. (No BND, GCHQ or other back door either, we're too small to qualify smiley face icon
    • We just operate in English, to ski, walk, bike, drink, water sport & plan Exit Brexit strategies etc, Not to learn or teach languages.
    • Some social sites are heavily dependent on web forums:
    • More vulnerable to Denial Of Service (Ransom etc) attacks
    • With risk of cracked on line databases.
    • Big social sites are often USA based - "Spies Are US"! - No European data security laws - The NSA will syphon your USA data.
    • Berklix.Org sends event announcements just by email. No trolls can post stupid provocative anonymous flame bait.

Other Munich Clubs:

  • Linguists Stammtisch They haven't got a web or mail list to point at (so ask around at beer garden group, as a few members are common to both. Here's a quote from their May 2007 venue announcement
    What is the Linguists´ Stammtisch?: The group is open to anyone working in a language-related field - editors, interpreters, proof readers, secretary-linguists, teachers, translators etc. It´s an informal set-up - we meet once a month, on a different day (Mon-Thurs) each time, and at a different restaurant. There´s no formal agenda, people simply come along for the chance to network and talk shop. Conveners were or maybe still are Ingrid, Alix, others such as John & Christel may know more
  • There's a "Stitch & Bitch" mother's group Steph. S. goes to/ organises - ask at the Linguists Stammtisch about that.
There's also a bunch of Irish pubs, & used to be an English Pub, & an Australian pub,maybe others will arise later - ask about pubs at the Beer gardeners group ( all year not just summer)..

Other Munich information

  • English Food Shops
    • Post Brexit, personally importing things such as Cheddar cheese from the UK, got banned by the European Union, after the idiot incompetent British government made a complete hash of post Brexit trade & services & reciprocal civil rights etc negotiations leaving the EU. Leaving us Brits in Europe with no Cheddar, after The UK had already stolen voting rights from 750,000 British in the EU, helping lieing Brexit leaders rig the referendum.
    • Valid @ 2015-10 british allsorts Rosenheimer Str 161, 81671 Munich +49 89 23549275 Karl-Preis-Platz# U2, Bus. 55,155,145# Opening times Opening times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 10am -1pm 2pm - 6pm Wednesday: 2pm - 6pm Saturday: 10am - 3pm
    • Guinness available from V Markt
    • @2010 For non perishable food (inc. cans of Guinness): Flick britische Waren GmbH - Reichenbach strße 38 - - Isarvorstadt Tel. 089 2016901 - Fax 089 2016938
    • Oct 2008 Cheddar in Viktualien- Markt, 2017 in
    • Kippers from Nord- See, Viktualien- Markt Man said Smoked hot or cold ? & Mature or Immature, & 3 names for them (why not 4 ?!) 2 names: (Herring Warm Geraucht = Bueckling; Herring Kalt Geraucht = Brodos Filet) (Not sure which is supposed to be like English Kippers ?).
    • Himalaya, Lind- Wurm Str 1, 80337 Muenchen 089 25549790.
      Some English food eg custard & tea,. Lots of spicey food & plantains etc.
    • Long gone: The English Food Shops in Knorr Str & Schelling Str, Munich/München
    • Know of more ? mail author.
    • A company in Cologne/Köln that does mail order English food by post.
    • Irish & Guinness pubs
  • Muenchner Kultur-Referat (Munich cultural office)
  • Tourist Office, Munich, Fremd- Verkehrs- Amt, Muenchen, Bayern.
  • Stabi: Staats-Bibliothek. (by Hugh Casement)
    Die Bayerische Staats-Bibliothek. It's a copyright library for Bavaria, so receives a copy of every book published in the Frei-Staat. A high proportion of the many books it buys are in English or American. It has bound copies of many periodicals going back to 1830 or so. Not quite on the scale of the Bibliothèque Nationale (or even the British Library), but still a most useful library. A reader's ticket to it or the University Library or the library of the Technische Universität entitles one to use the other two as well.
  • Deutsches Museum (by Hugh Casement)
    The Deutsches Museum has its own library which is the only one I know to open on Sundays. Strong on science and technology, of course, but also not bad for biography. It's a reference library (non-lending), so its entire stock is available for consultation, either on the open shelves or at about 20 minutes' notice from the stack. No charge for using it, but you'll need some form of identity to get in. If you're a member of the Deutsches Museum (DM 80 p.a.) you just show your card, which incidentally also allows self plus two children to visit the museum any number of times in the year, so anyone with technology-hungry sons would find it pays for itself. The Deutsches Museum has a very fine collection of musical instruments, and gives recitals on Sunday mornings: no additional charge. Recently re-opened section on Bridges and Canals
  • BBC Podcasts have a vast range of English language programmes, free download, mp3 format. Yes its not physically local, does that matter ? Make a pleasant change from nearly all local TV in German. (If concrete buildings block satellite TV access).
  • Schools There are a couple of English schools. Use a search engine & mail me detail. They probably have notice boards with more info on English things...
  • Universities etc
    • Additional to the universities, there's also
      Sprache Dolmetscher Institut who teach English to a high level for a several year course. They used to send their students learning English down the GEA for a beer, as that has died, they'd be welcome at the beer gardeners (all year, indoor in winter)
    • The 2 state owned Universities:
      • TUM: Technical University of Munich
      • LMU: Ludwig Maximillian University. Main building is at Geschwister Scholl Platz near U-Bahn (subway) station "Universitaet" (U3/U6).
    • Others
      • The University of Maryland Munich Campus used to exist (maybe still does?).
      • There are some private Universities, mainly business schools. These are often listed in "Munich Found" magazine. One is maybe "Munich Business College".

Munich Magazines

Excursion possibilities:

List of Munich Public Talks/ Lectures
  • English Speaking Groups Elsewhere:
  • Vienna: I've been asked a few times, of groups in other cities, esp. Vienna, here's a reply:
Book shelf: free give & take - 8 around Munich @ 2022-01-01

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